ID:102491 new-berserk-anime-project-launching

Well it's finally happening. I thought it was a troll at first since it's easy to fake ANN links, but nope. It's actually happening! Thought they would have waited another 10 years for the comic to finish up, but I guess not. Here's to hoping they redo the first arc of the comic book.
Yes yes, and god yes.
Wooow. I'm unbelievably excited, this is by far my favourite series of all time.
oh about time. Yea+ nice find maggeh :)
Two men and a women walk into a bar.
Damaged goods.
IMO the parts of Berserk they didn't turn into an anime sort of suck. Most of them.

SuperAntx wrote:
Two men and a women walk into a bar.
Damaged goods.

You could migrate to Japan and write haikus for a living.

Trailer 2. Looks like they're going the CGI route.