no. I am basing my opinion on all of the PS2 games I have ever played.
Sarm! You forget TESIV: Oblivion! It's out for Xbox 360.

Revolution... pretty much brings you back to the old retro days I guess. Not sure if I want to play the old games again unless I were supremely bored, but that's just me.
Well, PS2 was at a small technical disadvantage that was only natural seeing how it came out a year before the main competition. And as for Nintendo systems, they might have MORE games geared towards younger audiences, but to say that ALL Nintendo games are "kiddy" games is a gross overgeneralization.
Pffft. Oblivion on a console is a waste of time. You can't mod it.
I'd say that the console gaming in general has been on a decline since N64 and PS. Both platforms produced quite a few worthy games, but now a day a lot of the games look nice, but internally they are faulty. Either they game doesn't have a decent storyline or the game play is so insanely easy that the game offers no challenge at all. I'd prefer my good old Atari games over a lot of the games being released presently just because the games actually offer more of a challenge than modern games.

This of course is purely based upon my own experience and feedback would be appreciated.
Evi of au:
Can you play gameboy games in the SNES?

Yes, Yes you can.
As for xbox and it's supposed 'no good titles', that is not true. Granted, it is ALL just a matter of opinion, I think the best games you could want come on xbox. Let's see here, All my star wars games come on xbox, The Halo series, Soul Calibur series and the GTA series (okey so its sony at birth, but it's on xbox now.) Those are really the only console games I play, so I am fine with xbox, oh, and its graphics are by far the best.
Oblivion is an awesome title to hit the Xbox360. I can't stop playing it. As for the whole console wars debate...Why not wait till all 3 systems are OUT before you tear each other apart. Of the 3 consoles, only one is currently out as we all know. Give them time to develop. Xbox1 held the grounds for Multiplayer which was what made it so very popular with games such as Halo2.
This whole journal entry was an attempt to start an argument. :P I don't own a 360 so I can't really say anything about how well it's doing.
consoles suck =x
Viva la Revolution.

From a Nintendo Fanboy
Grahf said:
I'd say that the console gaming in general has been on a decline since N64 and PS. Both platforms produced quite a few worthy games, but now a day a lot of the games look nice, but internally they are faulty. Either they game doesn't have a decent storyline or the game play is so insanely easy that the game offers no challenge at all.

That means you haven't played enough games.
Yeah, he has.

The only time I can find a game with a decent story is on one of the following systems:
Any Nintendo system
The PC
Actually, there are alot of great stories among the RPGs on PS2.

And Evi, when listing good games on a system, multi-system titles don't count, sorry.
I have to agree with Sarm in a sense, the Revolution WILL be the best system in terms of innovation and gameplay features(which is all that matters in a game) but will only have graphic power slightly better than the Xbox's(Graphics=for whores).
Simply put, buy games and consoles for the innovation and games, if you like a game because it looks pretty, then you are a tool.

Remember, folks, it was only 10 years ago when the Nintendo 64 amazed us with Super Mario 64, and we played that because it was F-U-N, not P-R-E-T-T-Y.

Seriously though, I'm getting a Revolution because I trust Nintendo to make quality games, besides, who WOULDN'T want to play SSB3 online?(aside from Sony/MS/PC fanboys)
Remember, folks, it was only 10 years ago when the Nintendo 64 amazed us with Super Mario 64, and we played that because it was F-U-N, not P-R-E-T-T-Y.

Actually, we played it because it was both <_<

Seriously though, I'm getting a Revolution because I trust Nintendo to make quality games, besides, who WOULDN'T want to play SSB3 online?(aside from Sony/MS/PC fanboys)

HEY! I'm a PC fanboy, and I want to play it :O
"Remember, folks, it was only 10 years ago when the Nintendo 64 amazed us with Super Mario 64, and we played that because it was F-U-N, not P-R-E-T-T-Y."

It isn't pretty by today's standards, but back then it was revolutionary. I mean, mario in 3d.
HEY! I'm a PC fanboy, and I want to play it :O

Well, after seeing the G4 forums, you are honestly one of the first. :)
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