I would just really like to know why this post was hidden from the front page.

It's a poll asking what lil wayne fans thought about his new song. It was in no way offensive, and it wasn't a post about 'nothing'..

that is wack.
Legit, it is wack. These people are dust when it comes to blogs. AWWW MAN!
It was auto-hidden by the filter because it has the word 'fuck' in one of the poll options.
damn, didnt even really take notice.

I understand. lol.
(1) Use of inappropriate language.
(2) Lack of community-relevant context.
(3) Easily argues with a few terms of the Community Standards.
heh a poll about crappy music ehhh... anyway nice ta see ya evi... also start listening to music not for the lyrics... but for how the vocals compliment the beats