Hey everyone. I recently found out we're now using IPv6 and IPv4 now. I checked my IP address, and the IPv6 version starts with like... fe80

This brings up an issue with hosting things now. I used the old static IP configuration tool from the portforwarding place, but it can't recognize IPv6. How do I make my IP static again? I read somewhere that you don't need to.

However, I can't use dream daemon to host without my IP being static. What's the deal here?
IPv6 shouldn't require portforwarding, because each device can get its own unique external IP (so you don't need to forward based on the port from the shared external IP to the desired internal IP).

It looks like an IPv6 address starting with fe80 is a "Link Local Address", so I don't think you have an actual IPv6 external address (plus, I don't think IPv6 is fully deployed yet anyways).

So, just use your IPv4 address to portforward. I don't think BYOND added support yet for IPv6 anyways...
Alright, that makes sense. How do I do that, though? Haha. The program I'm using to setup a static IP can't seem to detect my IP, it's trying to detect it and it displays my ip as fe80, it can't parse it to make it static, which is normal. How do I get it to detect the IPv4 address instead?

Edit: Nevermind, after some playing around I figured out that all I need to do is go into cmd, type ipconfig /all, find my IP address and then portforward to that, no need for a static one. Even though I'll have to change the ip to forward to each time i'm assigned one, it works at least.
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I just wanted to say that's the best Members icon ever.