It seems the new Byond site has misslabled Dragon Warrior: Shadows of Erdrick. The game is almost complete. It is not a rip as the original developer handed the source directly to me and still oversees changes being made to the game. This tag system seems odd as how it is being set up.
War of the Magi is just set as a fangame right now. It would be nice to avoid tags for this game as it is not ready and other tags may fit it when the time comes.
incomplete/fan game you should read the submission guide-lines.
War of the Magi technically is a fangame right now, a fangame of Final Fantasy 6 being that it's name is even a direct derivative of a part of the history of the game, the part called "The War of the Magi"
Dragon Warrior: Shadows of Edrick is still a fan game.
Fangames are ok. If it is mislabeled, just resubmit it through the hub editor.
I have seen other fangames with other tags such as fantasy, rpg. I dont mind the fangame tag, but it would be nice to have it shown as what kind of game it is.
Shadows of Erdrick is not incomplete. It has been a very finished game for years now. The fangame part does not effect my new project. It is incomplete and a fangame and can be shown on the site. Shadows of Erdrick can not be found and a complete game and is hosted.
You can resubmit it so we can re-review (if that is unclear or not working, let us know). A lot of games were automatically categorized as "incomplete" due to some heuristics. It should give a reason in the message.
Shadows of Erdrick has an extremely terrible hub page. It looks like a 7 year old attacked it with a black and red crayon, one in each hand. Then an 8 year old came along with the blue crayon and said "I FIX IT" and scribbled a little.

Unlike mom, BYOND won't put it up on the fridge for you. =P
Well can't fix the hub page or resubmit the game as I have forgotten the password for the key: 8bitdream.
Hub aside, Shadows of Erdrick has had a long run on byond. We have a player base that goes back to the days of Silk Wizard's DWO. It is a shame to see the game just vanish over things that could be helped.
The entry was initially surpressed because the description was "shouty". Probably should be updated if possible, but I agree this game shouldn't have bee labeled as such and I've relisted it. We're going to be lenient early on and impose stricter standards as time goes on.
Ok, by luck I found the password and I have done some cleaning up on the hub. There was so much unneeded and outdated info there.

Thanks for your help Tom.

Anything regarding War of the Magi can wait till a public hosting version of the game is ready.