
by Forum_account
Create custom DM reference pages that appear in Dream Maker's help.
This library lets you create custom DM reference pages that will appear in Dream Maker's help when you press F1. To create a page you define a type of datum using DM code, like this:

name = "my_new_page"
title = "my new reference page"

The library defines the world.generate_reference() proc. Call this and reference pages will be generated for each /REF datum you defined.

Version 1.2
• The args var can now be a list or a string.
• Added the possible_values var, which is a list.
• Added support for the library var. The var should be a string of the format "/author/library", which correspond's to the library's hub entry. A link will be put on every entry whose library value is set, indicating it's part of a library and linking to a help page whose name matches the library string.

Version 1.1
• The library no longer starts with a fresh copy of info.html each time you generate reference pages. It still creates a backup so world.restore_reference() still works, but it writes changes to the same file.
• Added the world.parse_reference proc which opens info.html and finds all page names.
• When writing new reference pages, old pages of the same name are cut out of info.html before the new page is written.

Version 1
• Initial release.
I used this once. For some reason, my reference now has 2 copies of everything.
I'll look into this as soon as I can. Were there duplicates for all pages or just duplicates of the pages you defined?

Before modifying info.html it creates a backup of it. The library has a proc (world.restore_reference, I think) that replaces info.html with the backup of the original.