Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

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I have many projects in which I use the same keywords and items for specific procedures and such. I understand Dream Maker itself allows you to change the color of its keywords but I think it would be a great idea to allow users to select and change the color of a group of selected keywords for their liking and readability.
Sounds nice, but like my suggestion on line highlighting I doubt it will be done.
Agreed so much goes un-replied too I am never sure if they have looked at it or not!

Anyway, I like the idea.
This seems like a really good feature to add to the IDE. I hope to see it implemented
I believe this would be handy.
Hopefully this gets implemented :o
I did a thing related to this. If you wanted to use this, you could change the colors based on your preferences. If anyone is interested, I can write more about this.
Bump, I'm interested in this idea as well (I was going to make a request myself, but found it was already requested).

I'd love to be able to highlight my #defines I use to replace various things while coding, since I prefer a more Lua-syntax feel, e.g.
#define or                      ||
#define and &&
#define then )
#define If if (

If . == "s" and . != "s" then
. = "SS"
else If . == "s" or . != "s" then
. = "ss"