I am not tough, and I am not racist, I only say it to get a rise out of other people.

I have black friends, mexican and asian.

The fact is, people are just too damn senestive in this day and age. Especlly on BYOND.

It makes no sense what so ever to see and hear black people saying nigger, or nigga, to each other, and get upset when a white guy says it.

Talk about being a hyprocrate, if a word is bad, you don't use it, reguardless of who you are.
Eventually the new genetical/wealth class divides would widen so much that you'd get what was envisioned by 'The Time Machine' - a playful, happy but ultimately vacant upper class of child-like peoples who are supplied and supported by a weak, albino lower classes who lurk in the sewers.

But didn't the albino class routinely eat many of the happy ones?

On another note, I find that Minorities are at an unfair advantage: For one thing, you've got all these universities handing out free scholarships to students on the basis of their being born a "minority".

Racism will always be apart of life... It's human nature.

Racism isn't human nature. It's ignorance nature.
Actully I disagree, Racism is part of nature, and its not just humans.

I used to visit my grandmas chicken farm. If there was a Hen or Rooseter then looked different from the other chickens, they would peck it to death.

Different being anywhere from spots on the feathers to molting.

I know other animals are like that too.
Niggers are the trash of society. If i called you a nigger it wouldn't be because i'm racist it'd be because you deserved it.

It's alright to call a white person white trash but it's racist to call a person nigger.(Which actually has the same meaning)

Just to let all you know, RougePix is not me.
RougePix said:
It's alright to call a white person white trash but it's racist to call a person nigger.(Which actually has the same meaning)

Uh, no it's not. Who said it was alright to call someone 'white trash'?

Shades said:
I have black friends, mexican and asian.

But no white friends!? YOU RACIST
If britney spears was black, would you think they'd be calling her a nigger on the fake news shows?

blacks turn white when they don't use lotion =x
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