Applies to:everything BYOND-related
Status: Open

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I'm pretty sure I've requested this before. Like, 100% sure. I definitely recall posting an article in the topic. But...I can't find that feature request. Were old posts purged?

I realized that article is irrelevant as MFC didn't support it at the time, but...I'm sure there's an easy way to upgrade to the new style file dialogs.


This is something that should happen across all BYOND software.

Windows 7 file dialog


Windows...XP? file dialog

That's only a minor adjustment does it really bother you that much?

I mean it's only a tree structure that's being added...

[EDIT] and some pretty rounded buttons
Search function.
Being able to type in a path.
File tree.
Depending on what timeframe you posted it in, several feature requests and/or bug reports got purged. I know because I tried to look for an old bug report recently and have found it to be purged.
Could've sworn I had already shown support for this. Anyway, this is welcomed in my book.
I don't think that's possible. Would have to get new Windows SDK and I doubt it supports VC++6 anymore.
Re-program everything, k tnx. ^
In response to Blastcore
Blastcore wrote:
Re-program everything, k tnx. ^

With the new version of VS and MFC, would this be more feasible?
Yes, I suspect it is quite easy since there are a host of improvements in the modern versions of MFC (even though MFC is mostly dead, keep in mind the "stable" BYOND is using 1998 technology).
please lummox bb773175(v=vs.85).aspx while we're at it
Taking a fresh look at this by request, I see that from Vista onward Microsoft introduced a new API for this sort of thing called the Common Item Dialog. It'll require more research but it's something I can look at.

I remember the file dialog was a source of frustration for us for some time, so this isn't a can of worms I'm super thrilled to open but I hope it will go better than past experiences.