Yo, I've been neglecting my blog recently but I promise a few updates here and there with some new exciting news or something :P Anyway - I have this on my MSN Space so I just thought I'd put it here - sue me for the colour of the text if you must:

A black man walks into a cafe early one morning and notices he's the only black one there.

As he sat down he noticed a white man sat behind him, the white man said, "
people arn't allowed in here".

The black man replied...
"When I was born I was
When I grew up I wasblack
When I'm sick I'm black
When I go in the sun I'm black
When I'm cold I'm black
And when I die I'm black

But you sir...

When you were born you were
When you're sick you're green
When you stay in the sun you're red
When you're cold you turn blue
And when you die you turn purple".
"And yet you have the nerve to call me

black man turned back around and the white man walked away.

Put this into your BYOND membership blogs/MSN Space/MySpace or whatever if you wish to, I'll be posting back time after time to give you even more of these kind of stories, I have an interesting one planned next!!! Anyway, peace for now.


_> ha
You know why white people are racist? Cause the majority of them are scared. I cannot remember the last time ive seen anyone mugged by a white man. But when the alarms at a store are going off, and two black guys with a large bag walk out. I get a little scared.
They're only scared because their parents and grandparents were racist. It's a shame that horrid cultural... blemishes such as racism are still hanging around in the 21st century. They'll be gone soon enough, though.
I can't remember the last time I've SEEN anyone get mugged, period. If I'm in the store and the alarm goes off, I'm going to be scared if I see ANYBODY moving about.

Also, racism isn't limited to just one particular skin tone.
Meh, in 100 years, we will all be Mixed, no one will care anymore
Haha. I don't see that happening at all.
If it ever were to happen, it will take far longer than 100 years... That's only about 5 generations...

It's definitely possible (dare I even say likely?), but it won't be for a few thousand years...
You know why white people are racist? Cause the majority of them are scared.

Back that up your with a survey or something, I'm not buying it.
I liked it until the part where you told us to put it in our blog and msn spaces. :P
"They're only scared because their parents and grandparents were racist. It's a shame that horrid cultural... blemishes such as racism are still hanging around in the 21st century. They'll be gone soon enough, though."


I'm not racist, but it seems more black people are racist now-a-days.
"Yo nikka, yo grandparents prolly worked my ass like a bitch! Fukka!"

Dude, not everyone talks like that. I myself Blame Hip-hop and all that new age shit.

No, i will not get down, Stop asking me.
Racism will always be apart of life... It's human nature.
Nigger, please.
GokuX said:
It's definitely possible (dare I even say likely?), but it won't be for a few thousand years...

On this general subject, you can't really put a date on (if) there will emerge a kind of centralised "mixed" race of humans. In the next 100 years we'll very likely have genetics pretty much mastered, which means we could be whatever race we want (and the definitions of 'race' would probably go out the window, unless you could buy into various 'themed race packs' for your latest baby.
Of course, that would result in a new re-emergence of racism, where children are shunned, bullied for having a less expensive, or less fashionable genome.
Not only having uncool genes, they'd also have 'inferior' genes- the kids with the richer parents could afford more intelligent genes, better traits, stronger muscles and so on. What you'd see in schools would be super-intelligent nerd-jocks with plenty of cash grabbing all the best jobs, the most money to further better their own children. Their poorer classmates would not only be dumber, but weaker, forced to work doing menial labour and such.

Eventually the new genetical/wealth class divides would widen so much that you'd get what was envisioned by 'The Time Machine' - a playful, happy but ultimately vacant upper class of child-like peoples who are supplied and supported by a weak, albino lower classes who lurk in the sewers.
I am not scared, as a matter of fact some of my good friends are asian, black and mexcian.

As a matter of fact, the only reason why I ever say racist stuff on BYOND is because everyone on here has a shit fit every time I do it.

If all of you never replyed or cried about it, I wouldn't post the shit.

But as it stands right now, BYOND is a great way to have a good laugh when I post a racist comment.

Everyone is the same, bla bla bla, any idiot would know that.
But it doesnt make sense, if you say you are not racist and you post racist stuff on your blog... .(Not aimming this part at you Shades)I know people on Byond say racist stuff because they think they are all tough over the PC but they dont say shit in real life.

->Calus CoRPS<-
Elation... wow.
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