Digimon Online Adventures

by Laz goddard
Fight,Digivolve,Degenerate,Win,Get stronger !!!
hey put the game online please
i can host if its the problem
you put host link to host
Hm, wonder how progress is going...haven't seen Den around in a while.
I have been on vacations recently so I havent made any work,still its not inspiring since I dont have anyone to work on the graphics :((
and by the looks of it toei animation or bandai will ban the digimon games from byond too like square enix and funimation have
same here i been busy not vacation but studying :(
Masterden23 wrote:
I have been on vacations recently so I havent made any work,still its not inspiring since I dont have anyone to work on the graphics :((

Lol; for starters I wouldn't worry about Toei putting the squeeze on Digimon games. Funi hates fanmade media of any kind, Toei and Bandai expect it. for two eh, when I'm doing my art IRL I usually just think of w/e I'm happiest about atm to get inspiration lol.
Lol, Richard's server doesn't work, oddly.
put the server up f00z
denis.. dude.. u can just ask me for any kidn of icons/gfx work.. i see you dont have trust in me u think i rip and shit -_-
Least you put an announcement about the down time. Most owners/hosts don't do that, and get worse rage because of it XD

GL w/ one of the few digimon games left on byond. Savers shut down because DMO was released, Revo's only gotten worse over time, and Chronicles dropped off the face of the earth during production XD
PhantomKurei wrote:
Least you put an announcement about the down time. Most owners/hosts don't do that, and get worse rage because of it XD

GL w/ one of the few digimon games left on byond. Savers shut down because DMO was released, Revo's only gotten worse over time, and Chronicles dropped off the face of the earth during production XD

actually it was more like me and rax didnt like it crashing everytime someone logged in but whatever @.@. and ya, good luck and all
If help with the programmation is needed fell free to ask for it.
I'm actually going by what Drune said WAAAAY back. He said that there'd be no point to the game once Digimon Masters had it's global release, which it technically did, about two weeks back. lol.
hey can i help with this game? it kinda looks like it would be fun to help :D i could help get sprites for the game
You should put a test server up,don't be discouraged because of masters,this is quite easily the best digimon game on BYOND,The evolution system was great,I loved being able to hear brave heart while my agumon evolved to metalgreymon,the game is simply amazing and it'd be a shame to not let others feel the great experiance I've felt while playing it.
Agreed, it should be up xD the Digimon Masters thing I said had nothing to do with this game though 0.o.

Wonder where Den's been though, haven't seen him on pager. xD
he been busy with moving i hear
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