Well, a while back, I went and turned my old DS into GameStop, and got a little bit of cash. Just today, though, I managed to get another one free of charge.

*Back story for how I got it, skip if you don't care*
To make a long story short, there is a kid at my school who is still into Yugioh! cards. He collects the old ones, and goes to tournaments. Stuff like that. Well, the kid had 2 DS's, and my brother got one from him by giving him some cards. When I found out, I wanted one too. I dug up my dusty ol' cards, and got out some of my rarest ones. Ended up getting the other DS for an original Blue-Eyes White Dragon and the 5 pieces of Exodia.(I know it isn't a good deal, but I don't really care about the value right now. I have plenty of others.)
*End story*

The kid picked out some other Yugioh! cards he wanted, which were "V-Tiger Jet", "W-Wing Catapult", "X-Head Cannon", "Y Dragon Head", "Z-Metal Tank"(?), The VW fusion(can't remember the name), XY fusion, "XYZ Dragon Cannon", "VWXYZ Dragon Catapult Cannon", and a limited edition Shonen Jump "Winged Dragon of Ra" with the maker's signature on it.

He plans to buy these. Now my question is: What games should I buy with the money? I will definitely be getting some Pokemon games, but are there any other suggestions you may have for me? I am not really into Strategy types and the likes. I am more into fast-paced/in-depth storyline games(e.g. Final Fantasy).
Professor Layton
Looked that one up. Looks interesting, along with good reviews. I may have to look into that one.
Uhhh how about GTA: Chinatown Wars?
Pokemon sucks. If you really need those, just get their ROM's.

If you really want access, just buy an R4.

If not, then go for the adventure games :c
Phoenix Wright
Never listen to Darwin, half always half wrong.

Get a Acekard (better than R4 all around, not even that much more expensive, under $10 more at the right places)
Get Akaio

Man, I wish I had friends like you...I have a whole book and can filled with Pokemon, Yugioh!, and DBZ cards. I went to a shop once to turn in a Sonny Strait (did original voices for Krillin, Bardock, and others) autographed card and got a little bit of pocket change.

I didn't bother bringing all the cards but as I said you have a good friend there...

If it is a DSi or DS Lite I say you trade it in and put the card money towards exchanging for a 3DS, you'll get 75 bucks off of your exchange and it'll be worthwhile.
I second Layton and Phoenix Wright
Ghost Trick
The World Ends with You
Jump Ultimate Stars
@TH-Productions: I stopped listening after the first sentence. "Pokemon sucks." Smh.

@Odalzer: It is a DS Lite, but I don't really want a 3DS. It isn't the best thing out right now, and doesn't have very many games to play on it. I would rather have a good ol' Pokemon time than buy it.

I'm not selling the cards to him. He wouldn't even go as low as $25 for all of those, and that is unacceptable. I could get more than twice that amount on Craigslist. I am babysitting my two cousins and my sister tomorrow, however, so the money from that could go towards the game(s).
Anyone who hates Pokemon hates video games in general.
Say word.

(I never really got that saying. A lot of people say it at my school, I don't know about yourself. Kind of annoying. :/)
Lmao true. The R4 can be crappy at times, but the Akaio tends to crash a lot and it can be very expensive to repair =/