Naruto: Evolution

by Crazah
Naruto: Evolution
A new upcoming original Naruto game.
Such great owners for this game I saw someone spam killing low levels so I called him a noob and got banned and turns out just cause he was a owner he banned me
Death Any wrote:
Such great owners for this game I saw someone spam killing low levels so I called him a noob and got banned and turns out just cause he was a owner he banned me

That's why this game fails, this game had such GREAT potential but the owner and staff are all abusive, that's what happens when you buy a source.
Naruto0727 you are right its time to boycott NARUTO EVOLUTION!
Joking Anyway they don't do that much.
wtfack that so lamee
retard staff o,o
yeah he banned me because i did the same thing as art is a bang did, but im not his friend haha, and he let the strongest kill newbies because they get stronger but dont let the lvs 20 kill newbies because if we do, we can get stronger than they