So far progress is going great, Qubic is having some minor problems with MySQL login. The Productions is done alot of coding is doing great. As for me I have done alot of turf haven't done a base yet.
Stay Tuned for more updates. Screenshots will be added when the team thinks we have enough to show
Anyways, so you are working on a Naruto game... awesome, hope you do great!
good luck ;)

(i always wanted to do a naruto game, so i might help if you ask. even if i am quite busy with my bleach game)
No offense , this isn't an update? Well not a worthy enough update to post on a blog.

Maybe you should list the updates instead of telling us you made turfs and did coding. I mean every game is suppose to have that :).

Who's blog is this? Ehhh?

Anyway, The feature's of the game will be listed later(or maybe not). He posted this so people know that this ain't a dead project.
Yeah HaxRP so people know we are doing something, and how the pace is, we have updates made I just didn't bother listing it because I was late for school.
Tafe if your a good iconner come to join ahead.
Making others believe the game is dead isn't always bad. It's always fun to see the surprise on peoples face when they see a great game released :)

Haha, I get what you mean, but I want to keep it up :)
Never got to check your answer XD
Sorry, im no iconer, so i guess no >.<