(See the best response by Jemai1.)

Problem description:when ever i click it does not run mousedown() am i doing something wrong? i tested it and put world << "lol" after it and i did not get a msg, also i put ..() at the beginning

Best response
It won't be called if there is no object (an atom) under the mouse pointer.

If it still won't work when there is an object, there might be another MouseDown proc that overrides your code.
no other mousedown procs in the codes,nd theres is a object
First, make sure that the atom is opaque to the mouse. See mouse_opacity

Then, click the atom on your map.

If your code is still now working, it is most likely because of another MouseDown proc. Press Ctrl+F, select "All files" then look for MouseDown.
found the causem i put in usr.MouseDown in a while loop thinking as long as usr has the mouse down it will do its thing, and that did not work xD just crapped out the whole code
You may do that like this:
var/tmp/mouse_down_time = 0

var/time = world.time
mouse_down_time = time
while(mouse_down_time == time)
// stuff

mouse_down_time = 0