(See the best response by Jemai1.)
            if(locate(/obj/DragonBalls/ONE_DB) in user.contents) { mb_msgout("PASS 1 YES" ,user) } else { mb_msgout("PASS 1 NO", user) }
if(locate(/obj/DragonBalls/ONE_DB) in user.contents && locate(/obj/DragonBalls/ONE_DB) in user.contents) { mb_msgout("PASS 2 YES", user) } else { mb_msgout("PASS 2 NO", user) }
if(locate(/obj/DragonBalls/THREE_DB) in user.contents && worlddbtimer <= 0) { mb_msgout("PASS 3 YES", user) } else { mb_msgout("PASS 3 NO", user) }

Problem description:

only the first check passes can anyone inform me why?
and yes i have all object in my inventory and yes the world db timer is = to 0 or less and i dont know why its not working :(
Best response
The && operator gets processed before in. Use parentheses.

I'm stupid lol :| should of figured that >.<