Well guys, my membership will only last for 42 more days and 13 more hours.

This is my first membership, and I think I have used it well. I hope to get another one soon, if I can rack up the funds needed. A jobless 16-year-old programmer is a bad thing. Don't you just love the economy?

Anyways, although I hate to ask, (Link)can some generous soul renew my membership?(Link)

Although, on the bright side, I decided to recruit some help so that I can finish PokeBYOND on time. I have mainly been bug-fixing lately, along with a little polishing. Once I get the icons requested in the previous post, systems will be a-go once again.

Today I am helping my grandparents move, my step-dad is coming into town, and I am going to Military Ball. I don't expect to get much done on the game today.
Strange, the </<link> at the bottom is definitely not in my post. I can't edit it out.
It's because you said used those pointy arrows (Definitely the scientific term), and BYOND is trying to end the tag. Use }s instead.

And I'll get you your turfs, no worries.