Seeing as I am not getting very many legitimate (Non-rip) offers, I am going to search here.
I know there has got to be some bored developers out there! Programmers, pixel artists, idealists, graphic designers, anybody! Let's get together and see what kind of offspring comes out afterwards!

No matter what your interests are, just post here, and we will come up with something! Anime, RPG, Strategy, anything!

Not motivating enough? Oh well, I am not the most motivating person. You get my intentions though, I hope. Boredom is maddening, so let's find the cure.
sent you a page sign me up Pixel artist and Idealist
Idealist, lolz. Why is that an actual position?
Well with out idea there just a bunch of random content
Idealists don't come up with ideas...
Jeff8500 wrote:
Idealists don't come up with ideas...

They do actually...I couldn't think up all of these moves in Devotion's file.
Add my MSN [email protected]
I need a Pixel Artist for a non-rip Bleach Game .

- Mato .
I hope you didn't misunderstand. I am not a pixel artist, I am a programmer. If you need a programmer however, I may be able to help.
ExPixel wrote:
Jeff8500 wrote:
Idealists don't come up with ideas...

They do actually...I couldn't think up all of these moves in Devotion's file.

I'm trying to point out how that's not what an idealist does; it's not the definition of idealist. Regardless, you shouldn't have a position for someone who comes up with ideas, anyway; at the most, you should just ask people what they think.
For an uncreative mind, a creative teammate is a very large help.
How about a eco system simulation?
-> A mapgenerator
-> dynamic soil (Water, Nutrients, Erosion)
-> "dynamic water", rivers, that flow depending on the landscape,
-> Plants that spread and influence the ground Water.
-> Animals running around eating plants, dieing, etc...
-> much more