(See the best response by Carnage Productions.)

Problem description:I want to use this to add an overlay to player's icons and have it follow them around as they walk. I tried it with an icon added to overlay, which didn't work with flick.

I also tried putting an icon on the map, it worked in every way except for following players, it just stayed in the loc they were in when it was created.

Another thing is it should change direction when they do, if possible. Any suggestions on how to do this?

Best response
You need to create the icon, set the same icon states as your player icon,i.e attack, and give an attack state for like a sword.
Make sure you have it equipped to your overlays, and then flick() the player icon and the state you want.
I want it to follow them around as they walk. I had already done the icons, but the problem is when I use flick, the new icon just sits there, where the player was when it was created.

Where exactly should the loc of the new icon be?
newicon.loc = loc = (src.x, src.y,src.z)
when I just add it to overlays without setting its loc, it doesn't show up at all.

Could I possibly use blend to create a new icon, flick the src's icon, or would that not work with all the seperate icon states and their different delays?