Anyone got a ps3 with any of theses games? and wanna play let me know.

PSN: wickedlydaniel

Mortal Kombat vs DC
Battle Field Bad company 2
Call of duty MW2
Call of duty Black Op's
Need for speed under cover
Medal Of Honor limited edition
Fight Night Champion
Little Big Planet

and other games not listed just ask.

I normally just play bfbc2 and black op's since mw2 is a big hack fest. I pawned socom 4 army of two ect due to 3rd person shooters suck?
Ayyy Black Ops. ;) Hit me up, 'Swiftley'.
Mw2 hack fest was patched a long time ago :P
lol? You don't have castle crashers?
i do, And for mw2 hack patched long ago? I haven't played it for a long time. Last time i played i guess shortly after psn was back up.. And it was a hack fest?

And yes i got alot of games i didn't list downloaded games even Fat Princess lol.

*I just loaded MW2, Im going to take you're word for it?"
It was patched a few weeks before the PSN even went down :p
lol im in game with you now? and i just saw the hacks on the screen... still not fixed.
That's the most recent 'hack' which does nothing except spam some youtube advertisements. Let's get real here, compared to the AC130 spam or nukes in carepackages, that's nothing. XD
No idea never played mw2 really i played black ops til i got 15th prestige now im playing this til bf3 comes out guess.. I just know some one was using moon jumping and all this crap.
yeah, they were the hacks before the patch. They slowly came back a few weeks later but were immediately patched this time rather than waiting months to patch it, either the only 'hacks' that i am aware of on MW2 is the '11th prestige hack' which makes you have an invisible emblem and that advertisement hack. :P

By the way, did you make that icon in your avatar?
No thats Castle Crashers the game for ps3 and maybe other consoles O.o its from the makers of newgrounds. I just like the art work is all lol.
Oh, i see. It does look good ^^
yeah it does, Man i suck on mw2 its amazing how you can be really good on black ops and fail on mw2?

PSN:Demaris95 (MW2,Black ops, Mortal vs dc and little big planet...Ill have fun killing you =p
pshh maybe on mw2 but not black op's im 15th prestige on that game. But i never played mw2 much so you would prob have fun killing me on there lol.