(See the best response by DarkCampainger.)
Concerning step_x and step_y, is there a way to make it so that I can define step_x and not get an absolute value?

When I define something equal to them it defines them as a positive and never a negative number.
This is just a guesstimate based on the info in your question (I haven't fiddled with it in a bit), but I would assume the answer is "no". Likely, when step_x/y sink into negative values, the atom is automatically moved into the other tile and they roll back to positives.

Is there a reason you need them to be negative? You should be able to adjust them yourself just for whatever calculation you want to do.
It's for a multi-tiled obj taking up it's location kind of like a shield. It functions fine, but the shield looks cosmetically crappy due to the displacement.
Best response
If you just need a cosmetic change, have you tried using pixel_x/y? I guess I'm having trouble understanding why you need negative step_x/y values.