BYOND Version:490.1103
Operating System:Windows 7 Ultimate
Web Browser:Firefox 5.0
Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Resolved (490.1104)

This issue has been resolved.
In this example, I created something similar to Tron's Light Bikes. You have a trail behind you, and if you hit it, you die. In this case, when you die, you should be set back to 1,1,1, and start heading north again. However, the only time this works is if you hit the trail while going EAST. If you hit it from any other direction, you just freeze and then start going north from the place you hit the trail.

I'm not sure what exactly is causing the issue, or I would be more descriptive. I tried using Move(), I tried using walk_to()(which worked somewhat, but was still buggy), and also did a simple loc=locate(1,1,1).
I can't download the file. It needs to be set to visible.
Fixed: The Bump() proc was being called before the final location change, not after.