So, it turns out I've been gone for a few months now. Last time I did this I came back to an entirely new website, but I guess I'm not so lucky this time. Although BYOND seems to have gotten some new features, so I'll have to play around with them.

I haven't really done anything while I've been away, just chilling out, maxing, relaxing and shooting some b-ball. Maybe I'm lying about the last bit, but replace it with playing lots of video games. But I've ran out of stuff to play for now (more specifically I've ran out of money to buy stuff to play). So I figured I'd some back and see what's up.

Actually, I'm even lying about that last bit (deal with it). I've secretly been working on something and come back to BYOND because of that. I can't and wont say what it is because the chances of me finishing it are so low I probably just have just not bothered starting.

All I can say is... It has a lot to do with... Food... Yeah, that's right food.
Like eggs, meat and even chocolate icecream... Yeah, chocolate icecream! Copious amounts of chocolate icecream. So much chocolate icecream you'll be tripping all over it!

Anyway, I'll maybe post some more delicious food adventures when I have more to talk about.
Welcome back! Is your icon the guy from Moomins?