Keywords: pokmon
I just did a pokémon test and I got this one ;D

I am a Togetic!
I have a Diglett in my underwear.
Nice, can I see it?
I got Ninetails. Description's on my page because I'm too lazy to type it out. And Empirez, you have this Pokémon in YOUR pants...
Zetaiva wrote:
I got Ninetails. Description's on my page because I'm too lazy to type it out. And Empirez, you have this Pokémon in YOUR pants...

I actually have two of those which dangle neatly underneath the Diglett.
Well my Diglett evolved believe it or not.
Cloyster is much cooler than Diglett.
You know what they say, "Don't believe what you read on the internet"
Meanie! >.<
EmpirezTeam wrote:
I have a Diglett in my underwear.

Inovtis remember me?