I've recently been developing a tower defense game, and it's the first time when starting a game that I've actually built a modular core system instead of patching the game together as I think of features. Although I've known of this approach for some time I've always had trouble organizing the code in a project and it has slowed my improvement as a developer. Breaching this organization barrier has made it so much easier to get things done. Although right now the game feels like a library with a demo instead of a game, it should come together as I finish up key aspects of the core systems, begin building content, and polish the interface.

I've run into a problem with trying to create a progressive difficulty curve for the enemies(towers as well). I need to take into account the wave number and difficulty while letting it be modifiable for different enemy stats, and enemy types. I haven't taken a math class in about 5 years so I'm hoping somebody can give me some pointers on this.

Also, is there an easy alternative to missile()? What I need to be able to do is replicate missile() but with control over how fast the missile moves. I've tried pixel projectiles but I don't need collision detection and I need it to always hit the target.

Back to my progress instead of my problems. It's steady but a bit slow. The motivation I had when I started was lost when I broke my hand, but I can still type slow. I've been reading over my code, correcting and improving where I can while I try to get motivation. One day, hopefully soon, I'll have something unique to show for my time here.

The part that feels like a library:
-A very flexible wave system capable of using hard-coded or dynamically generated wave patterns. Each wave pattern consists of small wave datums containing the information needed to generate the correct enemies at specific intervals of time.
cool. hope your arm heals fast! Cause u better finish that game real quick! I really love "Tower defence" games >:)