Well Well Well..

Inorder to keep "ORDER" in Pokemon Generations, I've decided to make it more stricter, than usual games. Like it or not, but it not only uplifts the generos spirit in the community, but also help's people to be more "Kinder" than they're usual troll ways. If there is an all out disagreement, between the playerbase, there is a special verb, i like to call "DETENTION TIME". This mutes the world, and changes evreyone's icons, stickmans, and rotates them around abit. Enjoy crappy graphics too! Or, this "DETENTION TIME" can be used for one person rather than a mute and a ban. But now, players get more chances before getting bant. This is how it's seen: Warning/Boot or Mute/Detention Time(for as long as the admin says, I'm sure it'll be reasonable)/Ban . Ban's last for 3 days, Unless you are permanently bant, which will be up to how many day's the admin decides. That's all for now. OH! And the "trolling" isn't allowed in Pokemon Generations. You'll receive an OOC Penalty, which decides on how long you would stay bant, or muted if you got in trouble. Bye now >=P

Um. Everything you post about is typical. Honestly.
Fail grammar is fail
Be nice, Yusu.

I want to call you out on your failure with spelling, grammar, and that ridiculous use of quotation marks each time I read your blog posts..

I think this guy has found a more better way to use grammar than us. :P
The hell did I just read? I'm assuming this can be considered reading. Is this an abstract picture using characters from the English alphabet?
F0lak wrote:
The hell did I just read? I'm assuming this can be considered reading. Is this an abstract picture using characters from the English alphabet?

I think it's a picture of a man being brutally assaulted.
O.O? you guy's are really focusing more on grammar rather than the fucking topic of the post?

is trolling your everyday habbits? .
To be honest, it kind of is.