Not much to say, just that there's a very neat learning aid which shows you how different pathfinding algorithms work.

Pretty much exactly the same way path finding is handled in SA, pretty sure this was used as reference. Awesome find!
Someone should make a library related to this.
I created an entire maze, and of course I knew the algorithm would solve it, I had fun anyways.
In response to Flysbad
There are already several tutorials for A* searching, but as far as I know there aren't any for best-first or any other search algorithm.
In response to SuperAntx
Where could I find some of these tutorials at?
I've yet to find any tutorial on Jump Point Search. I want to actually see how the algorithm works, not really look at someone's Java code which seems to be all over the internet.
Solomn Architect wrote:
I've yet to find any tutorial on Jump Point Search.

First result on google: speed-up-a-star-pathfinding-with-the-jump-point-search-algor ithm/
In response to Metamorphman
Tutorials written for BYOND, Meta.

Flysbad wrote:
Where could I find some of these tutorials at?
In response to Metamorphman
I've been to this link, but the explanation is hazy at it's most definitive. There's no step-by-step model of how it works.
That's really cool. I'd be right in saying that jump point search is the best?
Jump point seems to be the best, amazingly fast on spiral mazes.

Here's a comparison

The jump point is so fast, but keep in mind that even the A STAR would finish just fine in a single frame, (fps of 40 gives you 25 ms of processing time before the next frame will need to execute)... I believe the downfall of jump point is it assumes a uniform grid, meaning, if you'd like your AI to use roads to get somewhere faster vs driving slower in the grass, Jump Start wouldn't work for you without tweaking it out.
In response to FIREking
So the other methods you wouldn't need to change if you didn't have a uniformed grid? Surely that's a pathfinding flaw and not a flaw in jump point?

But interesting point, the rules you set for travel effect the algorithm you need.