Keywords: ordering, verb
Applies to:DM Language
Status: Open

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If possible, can we have an additional verb setting?
In my right click menu, I want to be able to set the order on which the verbs appear.

set order = 1
set order = 2
set order = 3
set order = 4

The way they appear now:
This would be nice ^^.
Would items in the same category without an order number just display as per normal? If so +1

Could you have additional orders such as first and last? Leaving the middle to be unordered?
insert obligatory "statpanels for verbs are obsolete" discussion.

But, sure, some type of control over organization of verbs would make sense.
Statpanels aren't the only place that this menu appears. It would be nice for some organization.
It would be wonderful to have the capability on doing this in various ways, potentially with an in-game modifiable one, instead of compile-time.