Keywords: all, data, erase, hub, scores, wipe
(See the best response by Boubi.)

Problem description:

I am just wondering if its possible to erase entire score columns easily? Going through each one separately would take an eternity when there are 100s.

So yeah that's all I wanted to know really. Thanks.
Best response
Use world.GetScores() to generate a list of users on the scoreboard and create a loop that loops through the users to set their scores using:

var/params = list("SP" = "")
world.SetScores(key, list2params(params))
I think the hub has a feature in the medals tab to remove or hide specific values. It doesn't get rid of them though.
In response to Boubi
That sounds worth a try @ Boubi :) cheers.

Have a feeling the loop will take a while too. I ran one earlier through about 100 names and it took a fair while and had a few hic-ups along the way.

Yeah Jittai you can hide them, but no option to delete sadly (which would be great if you want to mass wipe).