BYOND Version:498
Operating System:Linux
Web Browser:Firefox 20.0
Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Descriptive Problem Summary:

I'm currently using a router as a switch while I wait for internet access to be restored. Prior to losing internet access, I didn't notice these problems.

1) world.Export() to 192.186.x.x often hangs and sometimes fails, despite a lack of network interruptions (ssh remains logged in for days).

2) With a Linux box running a game via DD, and connecting to the game via a separate machine (Win XP), I often experience server-side game freezes (time stands still in-game). But when I check 'top', surprisingly DD isn't using 100% CPU; in fact, it often doesn't even make the list (for the number of lines displayed). Total CPU usage also remains low during these freezes, which can last ~15 seconds.

Once internet access is restored, I can test with and without connectivity (like I said, it wasn't a problem before when I had internet access), but in the mean time, are there any tests I could run to see what might be causing this?