
by Acebloke
[AMT] Join the war or build a city
Applies to:
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
One of the things I'm intending to do very soon is to rehash the stats that is punched through both through clicking the relevant buttons during a game but also importantly at the end of a game.

I have gotten sloppy on posting stats online, simply because its a bit tedious. I will be making a system where it will generate a page for me ingame so all I have to do is copy paste and it should be immortalised straight away.

However, I want to know what you guys want as stats, in any form in or after the game. I don't want to go back to this too often to change things so its important you get your say in now.
One plan is to make some kind of graph of progress in a round to show development over time. These listed below are possible stats to record (some may/already are based on an individual nation scoring level-such as total land):

Total land
Military deaths
Civilian deaths
Total deaths
Money spent on Military
Money made from trade (player2player)
Money made from trade (passive)
Total money made from trade
Total wins (attacking)
Total wins (defending)
Total wins
Military size
Nuclear weapons
Nuclear weapon tonnage
Total military developments (research)
Total Population
Population density
Total Cash
Leading GDP
Approval rate
Healthcare coverage
Education coverage
Industrialisation (level of built up towns)
Total money spent on trade
Money spent on trade (player2player)
Money spent on trade (passive)
Also maybe total losses in battle?
Military Budget(money spent on your military? idk lol
Total Land Won ( In combat )
Total Land Lost ( In combat )
Employment percentage
A sub branch of military size:
Land Army Size
Naval Size
Air force Size
Year development? Tracking years over time possibly?
Land destroyed due to nuclear weapons (From nuking enemy players)
Land lost due to nuclear weapons (From being nuked)
Total losses (attacking)
Total losses (defending)
Total losses
A graph showing the three types of employment - Primary, secondary, tertiary. Basically all 3 would be in the same graph showing the percentage of each.
Total turns suffering from blackouts
Thanks guys, I can probably incorporate most of them into some kind of stat at some point. Keep em coming if you think of more.
In response to Acebloke
it is a fun game but so far i cant find some one who is playing it on mp so i can play with them but i will keep trying