
Hey guys, I've just threw a few of my old projects away and gathered everything salvageable and worth passing on together in a resource for the masses. There isn't much in it tbh I found most the work to be a complete write off in my opinion. That being said there are a few bits I thought someone somewhere may find interest in.

Here is a pic to show some of the art I've popped into it and who know's, I may update it every so often with new things that I think others may find useful.

 photo Races_Armor_Test.png
^click to go to hub^

If you do find yourself using my hard work, be kind and give me credit where it's due.

All the best,
Damn nice Icon pack Mecha, as usual excellent work and a real surprise to see you release something of this standard ;)

Hopefully someone will put them to good use. :)
Are we also allowed to use the names of each of those races and their designs? I doubt I'd use the artwork for them, but I do like the concepts.
In response to D-Cire
yeah sure =)
If I ever get around to making that space game I've always wanted to (need a really good programming to help me with that) these would function perfectly as the different species!