(See the best response by Xirre.)
            if (length(words) > 35)
var/obj/Hud_Controls/blank/b = new()
b.screen_loc = "11,1"
b.layer = MOB_LAYER + 16
b.maptext = "<font size = \"1\"><font color = white><font face = Comic Sans MS>Next"
usr.client.screen += b
b.pixel_x -= 10

Problem description: blank will not move to the left?

pixel_x/y do not affect objects on the client screen.

You can manipulate screen_loc (screen_loc = "11:-10,1") on the pixel level, look it up in the reference.
Alright. That that is not what I want to fix for this. Hmm. My next question is can I change the pixel_x of the maptext?
You can, yes. You did it fine in your snippet - it just doesn't affect the client screen.
Best response
if (length(words) > 35)
extended_text = copytext(words, 1, length(words) + 1)
var/obj/Hud_Controls/blank/b = new()
var/obj/Hud_Controls/blank/t = new()
b.screen_loc = "11:-6,1:5"
t.screen_loc = "11,1:7"
b.layer = MOB_LAYER + 16
t.layer = MOB_LAYER + 16
t.icon_state = "nothing" //So this new one still is clickable but doesn't show that background you had.
t.maptext = "<font size = \"1\"><font color = white><font face = Comic Sans MS>Next"
usr.client.screen += b
usr.client.screen +=t