(See the best response by Jittai.)
Ok so basically I've gotten down a few basics of interface managing but one i can't figure out is how do I make like a creation screen and have a button with submit submit all the inputted data?

^ as a example

how would I get it to submit the picked village maybe hair picked eye color name maybe if i added in biography or age or other pointless things how do i get it to submit it and have the character on the map have all this
You could use winget().
i see but i honestly have no clue how id inject that into vars would i make it a proc or something i need kinda a simple demo code
Best response
winget returns values of text which you can assign as vars.

usr << " = [winget(usr, "mainwindow", "is-visible")]"
usr << "\nOther params:"
usr << winget(usr, "mainwindow", "pos;is-maximized")
usr << "\nButtons:"
usr << winget(usr, "button1;button2", "is-checked")
so would
mob/var/ name= winget(usr,"namelabel",?)

im not able to follow the demo code to well but would makign the var equal the winget for the label or w/e work in regards to its value?
Yes. and that ? has to be a parameter, you can see all the parameters in the interface guide.
yeh i tried it it doesnt work just gives me errors
you can't set vars like that they have to be in a proc
so how would it be done in proc form?
In response to Mastergamerx
You cannot perform operations when declaring or defining a variable. It has to be a static assignment like a number, or a text string. Something that cannot change.

In order to perform an operation like that, you must do it within the bounds of something that's happening at -runtime-.

As for this, say you have the screen up, and you set the submit button's command to this...

var nameval = winget(src, "NameInput", "text")
name = nameval

You should get the results you're looking for.
how would i do it for buttons woudl i have to make a separate verb for each button to set a stat or is there a way for me to make the button submit a value based on it name or sumthing when i click it
You should make it so each button updates it's relating value visually, it would be a waste for it to update the whole screen.
im asking how do i do that cause i dunno what code would do that
winset if it's interface and if it's object based them what you would normally do with objects.