I'd like to see that you can make make a html to give the statpanel a color. Like the ones such as inventory, equipement and such that'd be in the mob/Stat() such as:
. = ..()
statpanel("<font color = lime>Statics")
stat(" V i t a l "," S t a t i c s")
Sokkiejjj wrote:
I'd like to see that you can make make a html to give the statpanel a color. Like the ones such as inventory, equipement and such that'd be in the mob/Stat() such as:
> mob/Stat()
> . = ..()
> if(!Creating&&CanSave)
> statpanel("<font color = lime>Statics")
> stat(src)
> stat("*-*-*-*-*-*-*","*-*-*-*-*-*-*")
> stat(" V i t a l "," S t a t i c s")
> stat("*-*-*-*-*-*-*","*-*-*-*-*-*-*")
> //..

you can't really use color you have to use stuff \red and junk. I really forgot about it but if you check the DM help it should be in there.
BYOND 4.0 has HTML in statpanels.
In response to Kaiochao2536
Kaiochao2536 wrote:
BYOND 4.0 has HTML in statpanels.

He means for the tab itself. Unfortunately we have no support for individual tab coloring at this time.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Not individual, at least.
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Kaiochao2536 wrote:
BYOND 4.0 has HTML in statpanels.

He means for the tab itself. Unfortunately we have no support for individual tab coloring at this time.

Lummox JR

You know what would be cooler than individual tab coloring? Changing the color of the scrollbar :P
I guess that would be cool... not gonna make a huge difference, but a lot of small things add up I guess :P. Also might you mean "Statistics" not "Statics?" or are you referring to some kind of electricity D:
In response to VcentG
Or even things that stay the same.
In response to Kaiochao2536
This is exactly why a lot of people urge using Grids with a combination of a tab control, I'm pretty sure you can control what color the tabs are by changing a certain parameter(If not, at least you can change the color of the text.)