This doesn't seem to be an issue anymore? Most likely resolved when the icon editor was overhauled.
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Resolved

This issue has been resolved.
Currently dream maker has a issue with icons where if it has maybe say 20+ icon states it begins to flicker alot while its i dunno loading? not sure but every edit i make or add or w/e it has to keep doing this flickering of all the icon states and i can't edit or do anything until done so maybe change this to compile or load faster?
This occurs to me, too. When working in an icon file with a large number of states (I've never tried to check the threshold number), after exiting the state editor screen, back to the screen that shows all of the states, there is a noticeable non-responsive period with a flickering of the states.

Almost like its refreshing the "thumbnail" for all of them instead of just the one I've just edited, perhaps?

This has occured through so many versions on so many machines (even through two or three operating systems over the years), that I can't be specific on any of those details.
This is actually a limitation with the Windows listview-type control, which is used to display lists of images and/or text, it's the same reason the old pager used to choke on large friend lists because the controls are very similar.

I think Tom actually added a limitation to the amount of stats that'll display when you load an icon, but if you're seeing it at low numbers I imagine it could be an issue specific to your setups causing it to choke on just a few states. I'm not sure how easy it would be to resolve something like this, especially if most people don't experience it unless loading 200+ states at once. (I personally don't encounter the issue until around 500 icon_states being displayed)
I encounter this issue all the time with a file with a lot of icon_states, perhaps we could trade out the listview-type control for something that supports that many states?
Makes me wonder how Windows' listview control is implemented. It's surely not a hash table.
I would love for there to be more native toolkit-based controls in DM that are hardware accelerated.
I think the basic Windows ones probably aren't if it's having this much trouble with 200 icon_states.
In response to Magnum2k
The issue here is basically that the standard ListView control renders all elements in the control on refresh, including those outside of the actual viewport. So for pure text controls, such as on Windows Explorer, it'll start to choke with rendering folders with more than say ... 5000 entries in. If all your entries are say ... COM bitmaps of 32x32 or larger size, then that rendering is obviously slower per item and so chokes on a lower number of entries. Their underlying data-structure for the data objects doesn't really have any impact upon this, their rendering strategy does.

You'd probably want to make the control virtual, so that it defers to fetching from a model instead of rendering the whole lot. You then handle events from the control asking for items to render. bb774735(v=VS.85).aspx#Virtual_ListView_Style

That means you only re-render what is in view. Now, if that is still slow, then you need to consider moving off ListView and onto something a little more homebrewed perhaps, more akin to a ListBox.
If you have a bunch of icon_states eventually the icon editor starts flickering a lot when you close a state.

Could this be optimized? Since a project can't be open by more than 1 user only the state that I just left has to be refreshed; the rest is assumed to be okay.

That should resolve the flickering issue and allow for easier icon editing.
In response to Sir Lazarus
omg i kno its so annoying its like oh u got 30 icon states welp lets flicker for 5 mins before you can keep working on it
In response to Sir Lazarus
Bumping this because it's something that has been bothering me when I've been editing, exiting an icon makes the whole damn list of 100+ icon states refresh themselves, causing me to have to look up my icon again.
In response to Sir Lazarus
I posted about this a long time ago. It appears to be an issue with the Windows API, so I'm not sure how easy of a fix it is.

Edit: Aha, I knew I had seen this request before.
LordAndrew resolved issue with message:
This doesn't seem to be an issue anymore? Most likely resolved when the icon editor was overhauled.