People have suggested this feature before, but I've come up with a notation for it. =)

The animate_movement var controls the way the player's icon moves between two discrete locations. NO_STEPS is an instant jump, FORWARD_STEPS is a movement system which only allows the player to move in the direction he or she is facing (otherwise, his/her location jumps to the new one), SLIDE_STEPS is a smooth slide from wherever the icon is to wherever the icon should be, and SYNC_STEPS is a complex system designed to allow mobs to move, client-side, at the same time as a head object.

My thinking is, why can't this same general code be applied to pixel offsets as well? By default, the animate_offsets var would be set to NO_STEPS, which means that any change in the mob's pixel_x/y would make the icon instantly jump to the new offset. But if animate_offsets was set to SLIDE_STEPS, then it would drift along merrily, using pixel_step_size as a guide, to its new offset.

By pairing a horizontal move with setting pixel_y to 16, the icon would follow a 30-degree trajectory as it moved to its new location, thus pursuing the perfect isometric path.

This feature isn't entirely critical to Haven's development, but it is still quite necessary. I can get by without it, but it's messy, laggy, and distinctly hacky. =)