Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

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Okay, while mapping out some of the terrains of my game, I really was irritated to keep using 'Fill' Option, which is just a box fill and 'Add' to make out boundaries. And hence I've come up with some requests:

1. Zoom Option: Currently the Zoom option has only two zooms - 100% and 50%. I'd like to see far more set Zooms, starting from 10% to 100% which enhances the ability to make bigger maps, that too in a better way.

This option would really help making big terrains as just free-hand drawing can done to make the borders of map just as desired.

2. Fill Option: The fill option should be more advanced. The Fill option should consist of rectangular, circular fills that again makes the mapping much easier and effective. Fill option can have one more advanced feature, where just like paint, the mapper can pick up a tile instead of color and click anywhere inside the border of the map to fill the area inside within the border with desired turfs etc for larger terrains.

I know it sounds much like painting but that way Large maps can be made easily, more effectively and probably just the way the 'Mapper' wishes it to have it, without getting frustrated.

I am aware that auto-generated maps do exist but I am not so sure if they turn out exactly the way 'we' want it? Although, I am not so sure.

Also, if you guys are aware of some ways or some of the things that I've mentioned, please let me know.
Since your request is actually two requests, I can't merge it into the older ones. So for reference, here are past discussions on these requests:


Fill (covers multiple map-related features)
I'm sure my mapper would enjoy these implementations.

Waaaaaa Ima bump one of these topics!
I hired a programmer to write me a DMM compatible map editor because the current one doesn't have enough features to paint even a decent looking rpg maker style map.
I once started something similar and got stuck at the automatic edge generation part >.>

Would really love to see some map editing tools around BYOND. I know Spirit Age got one but I doubt ChrisGayle want to share it...