Not a bug
BYOND Version:499
Operating System:Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
Web Browser:Firefox 23.0
Applies to:DM Language
Status: Not a bug

This is not a bug. It may be an incorrect use of syntax or a limitation in the software. For further discussion on the matter, please consult the BYOND forums.
Descriptive Problem Summary: When using num2text() in Dream Maker, converting this number '1234567890' to text with significant digits of 10 would return '1234567936 in Dream Seeker.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:

Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
world << num2text(1234567890, 10)

Expected Results:
I expected '1234567890' to return as '1234567890' but as text.

Actual Results:

'1234567890' returned as '1234567936'

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Every Time.
In other games? Possibly.
In other user accounts? Yes.
On other computers? Yes.

When does the problem NOT occur? it always occurs.

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)

I truly don't know.

Workarounds: None.
This isn't a bug. This is due to floating point inaccuracy.

BYOND's numbers are only accurate up to the around the 24th bit, which gives an effective accurate range of : 16777216

Again, as you can see, your number is a fair bit large that the upper threshold for accurate numbers:


Thus, it will suffer from a slight inaccuracy as it gets larger than that number.

This isn't a bug with BYOND --it's how computers work.
clearly, BYOND should uses doubles and ints.
i vote for bignums.
I second big numbers!! :D
Definitely a flaw with floats.

And bigger numbers would be a great feature. Double precision while slower, may also allow for better accuracy. Most systems should be able to handle double precision anyway.
I wouldn't want double-precision by default. To be honest, the speed loss is not negligible.
Who uses num2text()? :|
Stephen001 resolved issue (Not a bug)
In response to Albro1
Albro1 wrote:
Who uses num2text()? :|

A few 'DBZ' games out there.
I used to use num2text in the past. However, I rarely use it these days.
Upgrading to doubles is probably a doable possibility, though it'd be a project for sure. (Network stuff would still stick with floats.) BYOND's all-purpose Value type is one byte for type, followed by four bytes for data, and the data for a number is a 32-bit floating point number. Jumping up to a 64-bit double would basically entail making all Values bigger, but obviously that would be wasted space for most types, most of which rarely use more than 2 bytes of their data section.

Because of byte alignments, Value is internally an 8-byte struct. If doubles were used for numbers, that would make it a 12-byte struct, so all Value storage would effectively jump up by 50% in memory use. Realistically, most of BYOND's memory usage is not in storing Values, so I expect the memory penalty would not be horrible.

Of course, this would have ramifications for other formats as well, like the .dmb format; the new 4-byte format supported in 500 would make this borderline possible, but currently nums aren't read in a way that would work, so more changes would be needed there. Savefiles would also need to be changed to hold doubles. So this is not a trivial change.
Speaking of promoting number accuracy, how about non-integer pixel-movement stuff? (step_x, step_y, step_size)

Unlike my deal with how super accurate the collision is along a line (which turned out to be a bug), I'm sure that this is an actual thing. :)

Also, floating point modulo.
Floating point modulo would disrupt some older games, as much as I'd like it. Scream of the Stickster makes use of the integer rounding.

As for floating-point pixel movement, I don't see that happening. That would require completely revamping how pixel movement works in terms of messaging, etc., as it's currently a 2-byte signed int for both pixel offsets and step offsets; revamping it the first time was hard enough. This isn't the sort of feature most games would ever need anyway.
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Floating point modulo would disrupt some older games, as much as I'd like it. Scream of the Stickster makes use of the integer rounding.

Is BYOND ever going to move away from supporting older games?
To top it off, it's easily done yourself leveraging the existing assets:


point/workingpoint = new/point()
var/atom/nl = workingpoint.getLoc()
var/d = forcedir
d = get_dir(O,nl)
. = O.Move(nl,d,workingpoint.getPixelX(),workingpoint.getPixelY())
O.remainder_x = workingpoint.getRemainderX()
O.remainder_y = workingpoint.getRemainderY()
var/mx = workingpoint.x+O.bound_width
var/my = workingpoint.y+O.bound_height
return 0

It takes up next to no CPU to do this too, so I really don't see it being too far outside of the DIY realm.