                        if(A:powerlevel <= 0)
A:overlays += 'Halo.dmi'
A:powerlevel = A:maxpowerlevel
A:ki = A:maxki
A:stamina = A:maxstamina
A:deaths ++
A:dead = 1
A:zenni = 0
A:safezone = 0
A:flying = 0
A:incave = 0
A:onearth = 0
A:icon_state = ""
A:underlays = null
A:density = TRUE
world<<output("<font color=green>[A]</font color> was killed by <font color=red>[src.owner]","Chat")
A:loc = locate(259,26,2)

Problem description:
I want to teleport A to location (259,26,2) but it gives me error:

A/:/loc: cannot change constant value

Ty for help

I'm not sure if this is the source to your problem, but you should really get out of the habit of using the semi-colon operator. It's handy when you're dynamically setting the path with multiple similar variables, but otherwise just leads to messy and misunderstanable programming, which leads to errors that are difficult to find the answer to immediately, such as this one =P
Are you sure A is the type you think it is? You'll get that error if you try to change the loc of a turf or area.