var/savefile/F = new("save/players/[copytext(ckey,1,2)]/[ckey]/File [quest_log]")
F["/stats"] << list("name" = name,"level" = level)
F["/mob"] << src (line 222)

Problem description:
When this is called the line saving the mob to F will return a runtime.
runtime error: undefined variable /var/bounds
proc name: SaveChar (/mob/PC/proc/SaveChar)
source file:,222
usr: Dpheonix7 (/mob/PC)
src: Dpheonix7 (/mob/PC)
call stack:
Dpheonix7 (/mob/PC): SaveChar()
Dpheonix7 (/mob/PC): Login()

I have not turned on or used any of the new pixel movement system and can not figure out why bounds would be undefined as it is a built in var. No where in the code is bounds used as a var for anything or called/modified.