Problem description:
I was trying to fix the HuckDunt click detection problem and I guess I need some help narrowing down what the problem could be.

I'm using 64x64 tiles and there's some kind of dead space in the NPC thats moving around. As it's moving around, I can consistently click the dead space as seen by the x's.

| |
| |
|xx xx|
| |

I swapped out the image for another and had the same problem.

My code is pretty simple. In client,

// play shoot noise

In the NPC that's moving around,
// Kill()

The NPC uses a .5 tick based move system where it picks a random location and walk-to's it. Once it reaches the location, it will pick a new location and repeat until dead.

Am I running into some type of 32x32 edge problem? Any ideas?
Your problem description is unclear. Specifically, what do you mean by, "As it's moving around, I can consistently click the dead space as seen by the x's"? Your illustration doesn't help because I have no idea what it's supposed to be.
In response to Garthor

The 64x64 icon is a solid white block. The white block is randomly moving around the screen via tick where it selects a random turf and walk_to's that turf. Once it reaches the turf, it repeats the process.

While its moving around, I'm trying to click it. The problem I'm having is that not all clicks are getting picked up by Client/Click().

In response to Tsfreaks
I think if you click on it, but release mouse outside it, it won't count.

Maybe try MouseDown?