
Problem description:

One of the problems I'm having is loading that onto the map in other words, anytime I apply that turf on the graphic screen I have on my map, it turns the place I applied it to purple, the color of the map. And when I log into the game there is black voids on parts of the screen. All I'm trying to do is make the screen I have: click and initiate the new_character proc , but apparently it isn't working. My map_format is also TILED_ICON_MAP if that helps out. So someone come to my rescue :)
Are you layering the character choice /turf's over on top of the title screen? If so, there's your cause, since the new /turf on top deletes the lower one (if the new one covers it, otherwise its overlay'd).

Try /area instead. If you want to use transparent icons, look up mouse_opacity.
In response to GhostAnime
Yes I am placing the character turf on top of the title screen, which is making it turn purple or as you stated deleting a piece of the title screen.
In response to Rasengan3oo4
Try giving that clickable turf, an icon.
Hold control while placing the new turf to have the old turf's icon be layered under the new turf.
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
Hold control while placing the new turf to have the old turf's icon be layered under the new turf.

Thank you very much, this fixed my problem.