Okay so I have the usual "get" verb for items to move it to usr.contents But no matter what I try the verb remains with the item even though its been moved to the usr's inventory ive looked over other peoples get verb code and it dosent seem to even need anything to hide it. Im probably missing something very odvious but I just cant seem to figure it out
set src in view(1)
usr<<"You pick up the [src]"
src.loc = usr

Problem description:

Ive tryed using set hidden and making a variable that removes it when picked up ive also tryed making it so when you use the get verb it removes itself and when you use the drop verb it puts it back in but none seem to work
Try oview() instead of view(). If the item is in your contents you can view() it, but since oview() excludes the center it'll exclude the contents of the center as well.
In response to Nadrew
Thanks but that didnt seem to work. HOWEVER

apon some surfing I found the solution in this topic forum/?id=646139&view=1&display=1

I had tryed a method similar to this but only using -= in get and += in drop and get was just dissapearing or was it an infinite loop thing? thank god this was annoying the crap out of me.
In response to Claytonctc
Using oview() instead of view() will work. You don't need to muck around with the verbs list, here.
In response to Garthor
Well I retryed it an it worked this time around guess ill just save that other bit of code just incase