(See the best response by Pirion.)
I am trying to get Sekia's interface to finally be entirely custom. The only two things left to do are inventory and spells. Inventory is easy, but I'm having issue with the spells window...

My combat code works with macros. I need a player to be able to keep attacking with the macros while clicking on different spells in a spells window. The problem is, I can't use the attack macros while a different window is active. Any suggestions?
Well, it's poor practice but you could have a winset trigger after each time they click a spell which would set their focus back to the map.


You would of course need to customize the winset to fit whatever your interface labels are.
Yeah, that could work, but is there another way?
Honestly I'm not sure. You could try toying with the settings such as is-default/drop-zone. All that stuff.
Set every window's macro to the default macro. That would allow them to continue no matter which window is active.
Thanks, I'll try that and let you know what happens!!
Looks like I can't make a macro default...
Best response
Go to the window. Right click, Edit. In the window on the tab that you set the is-pane, there is a dropdown for macro set to use. Set that to the same as your default window.
That worked perfect. Thanks a lot!!!