        SendOut(var/mob/M as mob in contents2)
set name="Send Out"
set category="Pokemon Commands"
usr<< output("This Pokemon is fainted","default.BattleInfo")
M.loc = locate(usr.x,usr.y,usr.z)
view() << output("[src.key] says: Go, []","default.BattleInfo")
usr.icon = M.icon
M.icon = src.Picon
contents2 -= M
usr.HP = M.HP
usr.MHP = M.MHP
usr.Level = M.Level
usr.EXP = M.EXP
usr.Attack = M.Attack
usr.Defense = M.Defense
usr.SAttack = M.SAttack
usr.SDefense = M.SDefense
usr.AttackName = M.AttackName
usr.AttackD = M.AttackD
usr.GoodS = M.GoodS
usr.BadS = M.BadS
usr.Species = M.Species
usr.EvolutionLevel = M.EvolutionLevel
usr.EvolutionName = M.EvolutionName
usr.EvolutionSpecies = M.EvolutionSpecies
usr.EvolutionIcon = M.EvolutionIcon
M.rank = usr.rank
src.verbs += typesof(/mob/Pikachu/Thundershock/verb)
src.verbs += typesof(/mob/Pokemon/verb)
usr<< output("You can not have more than one Pokemon out at a time","default.BattleInfo")

I have to limit the pokemon out at a time because you become the pokemon.. But, I need to make it so you can choose between pokemon if you have 2 pokemon with the same name.

A limitation of BYOND's input() proc, and therefore any vars that have you choose from a list of possibilities, is that it cannot distinguish between two different objects with the same name. Mostly this is a good thing--it makes choice lists way shorter instead of having 50 different entries you don't need. But when you need to be able to specify which one, you have three choices.

Choice 1: Displaying available Pokemon in a grid or statpanel so you can access the right-click menus of the mobs you can choose from. Then players can right-click the mob, or maybe even use a click or double-click depending on how you want the interface to work.

Choice 2: Don't make the mob an argument to the verb; make the user choose from within the verb, and set up your input() manually with an associative list so that the two items in the list can have different names.

Choice 3: Much like choice 2, except instead of using input(), use something else like a browser popup or text links.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
A limitation of BYOND's input() proc, and therefore any vars that have you choose from a list of possibilities, is that it cannot distinguish between two different objects with the same name. Mostly this is a good thing--it makes choice lists way shorter instead of having 50 different entries you don't need. But when you need to be able to specify which one, you have three choices.

Choice 1: Displaying available Pokemon in a grid or statpanel so you can access the right-click menus of the mobs you can choose from. Then players can right-click the mob, or maybe even use a click or double-click depending on how you want the interface to work.

Choice 2: Don't make the mob an argument to the verb; make the user choose from within the verb, and set up your input() manually with an associative list so that the two items in the list can have different names.

Choice 3: Much like choice 2, except instead of using input(), use something else like a browser popup or text links.

Lummox JR

Or, you could have something that changes the name in the input() window

Pikachu A
Pikachu B
Pokemon A
Pokemon B

something to that effect