As..most of you naruto byond fans hopefuly you remember Naruto online the game that had 100 peopel playing or ez/afking even at night had alot of community and a great forum and some great admins.. As alot of people wish to see it again you can sign up and try to get it back I will be showing this to Chris whenver I see him on to try to get the source or to get someone who will host/code to bring back the game so sign up I'll be the first!

1)CodenameGordan Aka Greed.
I can host for you guys i suppose.
The game itself wasn't great but this was when Naruto itself was still new to BYOND, so since it was the only semi decent game out for Naruto, that's why it had so many people on. Make your own game, don't recreate someone elses because you think it was popular.
It was Popular it was a great game.
It was an average game, not great.
Bullshit it was great.
Isn't Vetex already bringing some version of it back?
Only person I known who has a version is Phaith.
Majin, no one has the hostfiles except for Phaith en Nerd. I even doubt Nerd still has it.

Don't waste your time. Nerd made a decision. BYOND is tabboo for him now. Can't you let him alone?

- Emasym
Well nerd just casted us off without a second thought!
Greed, I remember you. Hmph. Inuzuka, right?

Either way, can you force Nerd to not do what he wants to?
Phate is gone (quit BYOND)

and Nerd is gone, There is no way you can get the host files cuz phate probubly deleted them and nerd doesn't have them.
I can damn well try to force him.
Gordan, get a life.

If you really want to whine, buy WoW Europe and join me in getting banned off it after the third day because Blizzard blows coconuts. It's fun, honestly.
I hate wow I will never join it never will think of joining it and never get near a cd case or a cd of it.
Bring it back! NO was awesome...

And Nerd still has every part of it he said.
Online petitions are as useful as giving Roleplay punches.

*punches you*

Did that hurt?


There you go.
*Gets hurt*
Damn Snow, that hurt!
*anti signs*
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