for (var/obj/BattleLocation/BattleLocation in world)
for (var/atom/A in BattleLocation)
if (A.density==1)
NotAvailable = 1
if (!NotAvailable)
Location = BattleLocation

Problem description:

Someone reported a bug that I couldn't fix, and it is when there are players online and they battle at the same spot as each other only 1 will goto the desinated battle spot while the other stays on the field. I want all players to specifically land on the battle field and I don't know what seems to be the problem. :( please help.
Why don't you just modify the Entered() proc for the battlespot?
In response to Popisfizzy
I am currently using Entered() proc..
In response to GemStar
Show the code for it, then.
If the designated battle spot (a turf, I assume) for the players are the same, don't use the Move() proc. It won't let you enter a turf if there's a blockage. Modify the loc var instead.