Age of Pirates

by Theultimategamez
Pirate game set in a world of sea and islands.
Applies to:
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Proffesions : i believe every mastery (blunt weapon,footwork,handwork,markship,swordmanship) must give a chance of selecting a Special proffesion and every mastery is going to have a more offensive and one more defensive proff,
blunt weapon: Destroyer,Paladin.
Footwork: Diablo Legs, feather legs
Handwork: Boxing , Kung Fu
Markship: Hunter, Sniper
Swordmanship : Samurai, Ninja

for select a proffesion you must reach 80 level at a mastery +250 overal level and you can select only 1 proffesion each charachter

Destroyer Str based, skills powers : they will be able do close range aoe attacks or single target skills that stuning your opoment

Palading spi , str based : they going to have healing effects or buffs based on spi and single target attacks

Diablo legs: str based : they will have mid-close range skills dealing big amount of damage and at same time some of their skills is going to cause at their opoment burning effects

Feather legs: str,speed based: they will be able fly using their legs dash at very High speeds make them easily Dodge opoments attacks and make strong counter attacks from behind or from the sky (their skills will have more damage if you hit a target from the sky or behind)

Boxing: str end based: they will have skills that buffing their body based at both str and end make them able to keep fight for long time using their destructive Force of their punches and their strong bodys

Kung Fu: speed spi based: using their strong spirits and their ultimate speed will be able block every opoment attack from close range and use their opoments strenth against them kung fu will have skills that deal damage based on spi and skills that will reflect opoment damage back to them if you are close to your opoment

Samurai: Str spi based: they will be able combine str and their strong sword skills dealing heavy damage and at same time using their spirits for decrease damage taken from opoments and keep fighting for big amount of time

Ninja: speed,Spi : they will be able combine their High amounts of speed with their ultimate assasination skills dealing heavy damage at your opoment while their will be able using their spirit for make them invisible to reach your opoment from behind and assasinate them or for leaving the most diffucult situations

Snipers str based: will be able hiting your opoment from High ranges at critical points when your opoment will not even be able to see you

Hunters: str based: fight from mid long range when you will be able seting traps so make your opoment unable to reach you

(if you like my idea about proffesions please you can say it so i will be able suggest some skills and how some skills is going to work)

NEW training methods Battle level overal level and stats

Battle level will be gained for killing npcs or other players battle level will be needed for get ranks or some Special skills for your proffesions

Overal level will be gained as now from gaining stats

stats training : i beleive every stat will be good if having diferent way to train it like examples for
speed running
Strentg weight lifting
endurance Push ups (NEW way of training)
Stamina: through regenerate stats
spirit : meditiation
so you will not get every stat with the same way

through hiting dummys you will get mastery level like swordmanship,footwork etc

Race: Every race will have some skills and some boosts

Fishman: strong boosts inside the water + Fishmankarate skills

Giants: strong boosts at all the stats + rampage
that will inrease even more their stats but they will loosing Energy per sec

Humans: spirit boost and they will be able ate AV for some racial skills

Fishmankarate skills will be gained through battle level + Footwork,handwork level
Giants rampage will get stronger through Overall and batlle level

Humans AV powers will be geted through eating one AV and they will boost their AV power or get NEW AV skills based on what AV they ate

Max: mastery level swordmanship footwork etc will be 100 or 400 if you have select a proffesion that is based on your mastery example if you select ninja or samurai you will be able get 400 swordamnship and all your others masterys will be able get up to 100

Overall level : 1250 through stats training

Battle level: 1000 through killing npcs or other players

npcs i believe npcs must exist and they going to have some items drop chances + droping Money + exp for get battle levels