(See the best response by Kaiochao.)
Hey guys, I've gotten myself to a point where I am unable to ask the usual people I ask on skype.. Mostly because he is never there.
Either way, I've been stuck on this for quite a while now. But an answer I haven't yet found.

What do returns actually do, and how can they be used?

At the moment, I'm working on a game of mine, basically it's going to call an object's proc, which will them draw energy from it, if it has this.

So, I am wondering, am I able to use return in the way of making it return a variable to it's caller? (E.g return dogs)

And if so, how can I use this value in my actual proc, that called the object?

I hope I'm actually understandable here.. I thank you in advance for any help you can give me.
Best response
When you call a proc, it's effectively replaced by its return value. Wherever you can type a literal value (a string, a number, a type path, etc.), you can instead type a variable identifier (some_string = a string, some_number = a number, some_type = a type, etc.), but you can also call a proc (String() = a string, etc.). You can use procs a lot like variables, but they're more flexible since you can put a lot of logic inside them to get contextual return values.

var number = 123

var that_number = number // 123

var this_number = ReturnNumber(123) // 123

proc/ReturnNumber(n) return n
Thanks for the explanation, man, I'm gonna save this post somewhere.